Monday, September 3, 2012

Late Night Contemplation: Mind Molders

I came across this article today basically reporting that some new rapper has a problem with Lupe. (Back story: Lupe Fiasco is my favorite rapper) So I read the article to find out  why on earth would anyone have a problem with Lupe. To make a long story short, basically this guy didn't appreciate an interview Lupe did where he stated that this guy and others like him are putting out a bad image for themselves and the young minds they are influencing. Kids are listening to his raps and emulating what they see. So he [Lupe] says that these new rappers scare him, but not them specifically, but the culture that they represent.

In these videos they promote just about everything that is wrong with the black communities now; Drug, gangs and violence. This new generation of rappers are promoting and representing these negative images that are poisoning our communities. Veteran rapper and Chicago native Rhymefest said it best when talking about Chief Keef, he said "Chief Keef is a 'Bomb', he represents the senseless savagery that white people see when the news speaks of Chicago violence. A Bomb has no responsibility or blame, it does what it was created to do; DESTROY!" Rhymefest goes on to say that the real culprit isn't the rapper it is the label that is pushing the image. They don't care who or what they destroy in the process they just want their money. Real money and not the scraps they hang in front of their artists faces so they think they are doing something. You see when you have nothing, a little something looks like a whole lot in your eyes. You become satisfied making "dimes" when you should be looking for "dollars." Rhymefest also stated in this article that more then likely these rapper will come and go without us knowing hardly anything about them, and that record labels take out huge insurance policies on artist like this so that they get paid either way.

I don't know what it is, but we have got to find the keys to unlock the chains that have imprisoned our minds and WAKE UP! So that we can see clearly, that this is not the life we deserve. Our vision has become so clouded that we no longer can see that promise land that Dr. King spoke of. We have had distraction placed in front of us to delay our journey to that promise land. Distraction like drugs, money, violence.  No longer do I see people trying to make life better for themselves. Instead I see people either making things worse or going nowhere. As I have learned in my life, if you are not getting better than you are getting worse. 

My heart goes out to my city of Chicago, who is constantly in the news for gun violence every week. We must do better as a whole, nobody is going to try and help you until we try and help ourselves. It starts with the role models and the messages that we put out. The powers that be wouldn't push these negative images if it didn't sell. We allow it therefore giving them market to supply to. Please if you are in the position to mentor young minds, please influence them with a positive message. 

If you have the time check out the full Rhymefest article or the Lupe Interview there is some good stuff in them if this topic is of interest to you. 

Koda K.


  1. Music is one of the most influential things in life. It's how we learn and is a huge form of expression. For the NEGATIVE rap music that represents our culture (talking about guns, glorifying jail stints, talking about weed and sex, defining success as money) is something to be ashamed of. It is utterly the truth that this music is allowed to be pushed out because it contributes to keep us where we are and to encourage us to continue downward. We came out of slavery to become slaves again and it shows through our expression of music. Now if we would talk about what is really going on, maybe we could make a difference. Great post!

    1. Lupe is one of my favorites as well! I 100% agree with you about finding the "keys", but the locks are so intricate, its difficult to set people free. Even if we find all the right things and all the right people, there is still the problem of people not wanting it. The mentality and influence of SOME people is an extremely difficult thing to overcome. Let's be real. If we walked into the hood right now and said hey I have a better way for you to live your life, how many people would jump at that opportunity? How many would leave immediately after they found out how much work and effort they have to put into it? How many would leave because of the amount of money they have to invest in it? Living a better life is not as easy as having a 9-5 and a side hustle or having a link card and some babies. To SOME people its not worth it. How do you give someone something they dont want? I had a bum ask me for a dollar so he could get something to eat because he claimed he hadn't eaten in three days. I had two dollars in my wallet and a visa gift card with a dollar and some change. I gave him a dollar and the card. Do you know this negro had the nerve to say, " O I can't use that can you give me another dollar?" Anybody that has ever had a visa gift card knows you can use it ANYWHERE including McDonalds. Something's gotta give. My dad says," you can make change or you make excuses, but you can't do both". So one key to helping our people is to remove all not only the excuses, but also all doubts and fears.

  2. Well Said Chris and completely true. You can't help someone that isn't trying to help themselves. With that said, does that mean we shouldn't try? and also aside from the obvious, giving up the drugs and getting a job (which is easier said than done), what about all of the violence. If we can stop that and give people a chance to live who knows where we could be right now. We hear all the time from teachers, preachers, and people pushing a positive message, "if i reach just one person then it will be all worth it." Right now it would be so so nice to reach that one. then maybe that one can reach one, and so on. the Change has to start somewhere.

    Thanks for your comments guys I hopefully we can get some more.
